Saturday, June 18, 2016


Farmer's Market. Actually a nice morning for being the middle of June... but at 10 AM I was starting to worry that I wouldn't make a justifiable profit: half of my stuff was still on the table! But everything turned out alright and I brought home only a few cookies.

My best friend and her boyfriend came and visited me and Zach; this always makes me happy! Ashley just gets me, and I get her, we've been best friends for 8 years and I don't know what I'd do without her.

Zach and I went to Bayleaf (an Indian restaurant) for lunch... they serve a buffet; Zach was in heaven. I was elated because they have rice pudding! This is one of my favorite foods. I was so full, but I had to have a second bowl, it was just too good.

Lunch = blood goes to stomach = additional tired feeling = nap. Only my nap wasn't as peaceful as I had hoped it would be. I live in Kansas... Kansas has unforgiving weather. Kansans experience the whole gamut of what mother nature has to offer (except for anything ocean or tectonic plate related; although we do get the occasional flash flood, and we are sitting on a major fault line... but we only get super mild tremors, and I've never experienced these. Right now it is horrendously hot... and muggy... it's like walking through a rainforest, with just as many bugs, but without the fear of deadly animals. And trying to sleep in the middle of the day, even with a fan on, is next to impossible. After I woke up Zach did a rendition of how I slept. Apparently I frequently flipped over, kicked off the blankets only to pull some of them back on seconds later, thrashed about in a manner most undignified and moaned and groaned as though I was dying... I was; it was too darn hot!

I decided to get out of bed after only two hours of sleep (I had much more to catch up on than that), and made some origami cranes for a few hours and then went back to bed. The sun was down so it was much more easy to fall and stay asleep.

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