Sunday, June 19, 2016


Slept in. Put on one of my "keep it simple stupid" outfits (a black jumper) and headed to Tim and Kate's for Father's Day.

We watched the Royal's game and then went to Longhorn Steak house. I have determined that the perfect meal would be a medium rare ribeye with mashed potatoes.

I wrote my dad a father's day letter and Zach and I headed back to my house with our very own waffle iron (Zach's got plans for this bad boy). Before we left Kansas City Zach took me to a place right by his local grocery store that was selling Italian shaved ice. I wan't disappointed. Zach and I ate while singing along to Meatloaf... I loudly and very much off key (thank God Zach will put up with me) on the ride home.

I gave my dad his father's day letter and he told me I was very sweet.

Not a bad way to spend a father's day.

Love you Dad!

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Farmer's Market. Actually a nice morning for being the middle of June... but at 10 AM I was starting to worry that I wouldn't make a justifiable profit: half of my stuff was still on the table! But everything turned out alright and I brought home only a few cookies.

My best friend and her boyfriend came and visited me and Zach; this always makes me happy! Ashley just gets me, and I get her, we've been best friends for 8 years and I don't know what I'd do without her.

Zach and I went to Bayleaf (an Indian restaurant) for lunch... they serve a buffet; Zach was in heaven. I was elated because they have rice pudding! This is one of my favorite foods. I was so full, but I had to have a second bowl, it was just too good.

Lunch = blood goes to stomach = additional tired feeling = nap. Only my nap wasn't as peaceful as I had hoped it would be. I live in Kansas... Kansas has unforgiving weather. Kansans experience the whole gamut of what mother nature has to offer (except for anything ocean or tectonic plate related; although we do get the occasional flash flood, and we are sitting on a major fault line... but we only get super mild tremors, and I've never experienced these. Right now it is horrendously hot... and muggy... it's like walking through a rainforest, with just as many bugs, but without the fear of deadly animals. And trying to sleep in the middle of the day, even with a fan on, is next to impossible. After I woke up Zach did a rendition of how I slept. Apparently I frequently flipped over, kicked off the blankets only to pull some of them back on seconds later, thrashed about in a manner most undignified and moaned and groaned as though I was dying... I was; it was too darn hot!

I decided to get out of bed after only two hours of sleep (I had much more to catch up on than that), and made some origami cranes for a few hours and then went back to bed. The sun was down so it was much more easy to fall and stay asleep.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Wednesday... Thursday... Friday!

Friday was a very long day. Up at 5:30, in a field by 6:15... picking up rocks until 7:45... one more mouse found as well as a tractor blade. Said blade had been propelled off by a rather large rock.

To work, girls off at VBS. I worked on my dress... turns out I screwed up and will need to go back and rip out some stitches so that I can get the bodice to fit properly (the waist is too big).

Today I was asked to also pick up the neighbor boys today so that they could learn some origami. I got to borrow the neighbor's van.

After getting all of the kids signed out, M said, "Four kids are a handful..." My response clearly surprised some of the moms as we passed by, "Good thing I'm not having four kids." As a nanny, I am often mistaken for being a parent, and I love how people are taken aback when I say something that shuts down their preconceptions.

We got home and the girls and boys played "Star Wars" while I made Mac and Cheese for lunch. Here is one little rant/question I have: Why do toy companies make "weapons" for children? A plastic lightsaber in the hands of 5-8 year olds can do quite a lot of damage. Fingers, faces, pictures... even fish bowls are not safe! Luckily, specific instructions to play with it nicely and a warning of toy jail if done otherwise, was enough to make sure no one and nothing were hurt.

After lunch a mutual family friend of the boys and girls' mothers came over and brought origami supplies as well as cookies. We had a blast.

After work I went home and baked muffins and brownies.

Zach and I capped off the night by packing up some of our stuff. We will be moving into a house my parents rent out at the end of the month and I am super excited. I've been a Pinterest-aholic for the last few weeks... I love decorating.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Today was Zach and my 30 month anniversary (yes, we count months; perfect reason to have a date night and lets us feel like silly teens, and who doesn't like that?) and we had plans to go out to dinner... but plans in this house are quickly changed.

First; job. Today was the day I had promised the girls for so long; "Hoot"! I got the movie in the mail yesterday and I had everything necessary for pancakes (#7) so we were set.

After VBS, I made the girls lunch: 

After our movie we made some pony bead key chains (#6). I decided on an alligator.

A went with an owl.

And M wanted to make a parrot.


Upon arriving home, I was asked if I wanted to go out to dinner with my parents and Rue and Zach to celebrate getting everything planted aside from the sunflowers. Of course! I had my aunt do my hair:

I think it was pretty awesome. And then we were off. We gorged ourselves at LongHorn Steak House. I'm surprised I didn't have to be rolled out of the building... I was so full. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

This morning I woke up about three hours before my nanny job starts. Why? More rocks needed picking up in another field and we wanted to beat the heat. Things were going great... and then the gator stopped working. We had to stop an hour before we had initially planned to, but this gave me some time to make myself presentable.

After I deemed myself ready I picked up the girls and took them to Vacation Bible School. The girls have asked me many times what I believe in; whether I'm Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or some other denomination. I've told them that I fall into the last category. They wanted clarification. I believe in a higher power, and I believe that everyone who is kind and peaceful gets to go where ever they want to go when they die, regardless of their religion or lack thereof. They accepted my answer and made me feel pretty awesome, and very accepted when they said, "It doesn't matter what you are because you're a good babysitter and that's what's really important." Have I said I love my job? I love my job.

After the girls were checked in I had a few hours to myself, I decided to run some errands. Zach went with me. We went to Michael's and I got some felt and pony beads for a craft we'd do the next day. Target for makeup and Starbucks (seriously, try the Cool lime refresher with lemonade instead of water; it's like drinking summer), then Aldi for a few supplies for pancakes.

I then picked up the girls from VBS and we went to their house, had lunch, made butter (#6), and made some origami.

When I got home, Dad called Zach and asked him to bring a "computer". I went along for the ride. After Dad had determined that the "computer" didn't have what he needed, I asked him if he wanted dinner... we didn't have anything really packable at home, so Zach and I drove to Sonic and got Dad a burger with tots. For our "trouble", Dad got us slushies. Not a bad way to end the day.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

When I woke up this morning it seemed like a typical summer Kansas Sunday. It was sunny and warm with a light breeze. I went upstairs and shortly after getting breakfast my mom looked at her phone and saw that my aunt had texted and told us to turn on the TV. Then it wasn't normal. It was horrifying, upsetting, and ultimately heartbreaking.

We had learned the horrible news of what had happened in Orlando, Florida. 50 people had been killed and 53 others were wounded. This is the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States. What we were told was that the shooter had attacked a gay club because he was anti-gay and he was killed by the police, and other reasons behind his murderous rampage were being looked into. We are shocked, appalled, and feel so badly for everyone who was affected by this man's hateful act.

I know that it is easy to give into anger and hate when we are pushed to the limit, but I continue to hope that love will triumph over hate. This is my prayer for the day, the month, the year, and possibly my lifetime: May there be peace.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Market, Michael's, nap, pony bead crafts and then bed.

A very short and relaxing day. I like it that way.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

For today's field trip I took the girls to one of my favorite places on earth: Pet World. Pet World is much different from other pet stores because the owners let you play with the animals and take them out of their cages. The girls hadn't been there before so they were pretty excited when we got there.
The camera wasn't used on this trip because I was determined to keep a close eye on both the girls and the animals. Hamsters and other small rodents are fragile, but little fingers also don't appreciate being bitten. Luckily, neither of these potential events happened.

After the girls had loved on some gerbils a bit I suggested that we walk around the rest of the store and see what all was there. Pet World has some pretty awesome reptiles and amphibians on display. I'm fascinated by snakes and the like, but I prefer them to be kept in their cages, and I thought the girls would too... I pointed out a banana ball python that my sister was pretty fond of the last time we were there and A. asked me if we could hold it. I'd held it before... with much trepidation, but I didn't want the girls to pick up my fear of snakes. I asked for an assistant to unlock the cage and she then handed the snake to me. Must. Remain. Calm. I asked the girls if they wanted to touch it. A. was all for it, M. was a bit more hesitant. She touched it and then suggested we go back to the "small, fluffy, things." A. however wanted to hold it! I was impressed. She held it for a minute and I noticed the snake was becoming a bit agitated so I put him back in his cage and we walked around a bit more, with A. constantly jumping up and down telling me that she held a snake. Callie would be so proud.

After holding the other animals for a bit longer we went out to lunch. We packed a picnic and went to another park that's down on Mass.

The girls liked the gazebo.

It was getting to be 1,  so we walked to the Arts Center and A. and I dropped M. off for her last camp meeting. A's meetings had finished the day before so the two of us had a couple hours to burn.

First we went to the Toy Store.

We played with magnets and made a little town.

Somehow we managed to make a replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa....

Then we went downstairs and I now know where I should get my puzzles from now on.

I ran across something I know Zach would buy if it were only in his size:

We drew.

We went upstairs and I saw something that reminded me of a special someone:

And then I found something that I simply couldn't live without:

And I also found something that I must have on my bookshelf:

While I am a Potter Head, I don't personally own the books, but my aunt does and she lets me borrow them any time I want (I'm spoiled). A. read a bit and then we went to a couple store's that I'm fond of: Brits and Au Marche.

A. read some more and I looked around and realized that we should have a tea party sometime.

While at Au Marche A. smelled every soap and asked me if we could get chocolate sometime. Who could say no to that?

While we were walking back to my car I realized that something was missing. A. had left her water bottle at one of the stores we went to, but which one? We tracked back and finally found it by the Harry Potter books.

After we had gotten back and moved my car we played pass the pigs while we waited for M & A's mom to pick them up. A. destroyed me.

When I got home I baked for the market. Don't these look good?

And this time I made sure that the money box was with my goodies before I went to sleep.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Not much to report today. I went shopping with Zach for Market ingredients and spotted this little beauty while we were out and I had to get it:

Yes!!!!! While I was cleaning up the kitchen I noticed that one of my babies was showing undying love for me: 

This is my baby, Gracie. She's four years old and absolutely beautiful and funny and incredibly sweet. She noticed that I had abandoned my shoes and proceeded to snuggle up next to them. 

I am loved.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I wasn't feeling too great after last night's excursions so I decided the most strenuous thing I would do with the girls would be to bake a pizza (#4 recipe) and the best part? It only took 30 minutes to make!

And on my day went, but I had much bigger plans for the rest of the night. 

50 years ago on this date a wonderful man was born; said man is my dad. I know that a lot of people claim their dad is the best, and I know that a lot of those people that know it can't be quantified or qualified, and there's no real way to measure "best-ness". This being said, my dad really is the best. He's funny, ornery, kind and compassionate, and he's always been there for me.

He is also a very hard worker. But, due to the fact that he was born right during "planting time" he pretty much only comes home to eat and sleep on his birthdays. There have actually been birthdays when he has completely forgotten that it was his birthday! But not this one! Half a century is a long time and should at least be celebrated with a meal:

Zach and I prepared fillets, buttery peas, garlic and onion mashed potatoes and a salad complete with sourdough bread from WheatFields (a local bakery and cafe that makes some truly amazing bread, as well as a few choice desserts). 

After dinner, Dad went back out to the field and Zach and I watched "Clue" while we waited for him to return. When he did, this was waiting for him: 

Creme brรปlรฉe (#5) is one of my favorite desserts. It is pretty simple, though time intensive, but the results are so wonderful it's hard to stop making it once you have mastered it. And it is all too easily mastered. I licked the bowl clean. I feel no shame. 

And then I noticed we had another one of my favorite foods sitting on the counter and it was meant to be eaten as soon as possible because The Queen (my mom; I deemed her The Queen when I was four and she will never let it go) hates this wonderful gift from the gods with a fiery passion that I will never understand: 

Watermelon! This is probably in my top five favorite foods. If I were presented a watermelon as a gift I would probably kiss my giver's feet; I love this stuff so much! 

Oh, and for the people who read yesterday's update. World's of Fun was dealt with. I had to call three different places in order to get someone out there to make sure that the food is up to par (I'm sure it more than likely isn't). But I got it done! I've discovered that adulting requires a lot of phone handling... and (thankfully) not everything can be handled by a text. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Rice crispy treats were in order today (the recipe I used was the one provided on the side of the box):

For lunch the girls and I finished off the mac and cheese, which was still very yummy and passed the smell test:

After I dropped the girls off at their camps I went to the grocery store and got food for my dad's birthday which will be prepared on Wednesday. 

I went home, and was asked to help Zach and my Grandpa pick rocks out of a field... this wasn't what I had originally planned for the rest of the day, but oh well, duty calls. We went around the field for about two hours and grabbed two bucket-fulls of rocks (Zach has the pictures of what we did and his version of events on his blog: The Average Bro.) While out in the field I broke a large rock in half with a pick ax and Zach unearthed a mouse den complete with momma and four little babies which we decided could live. And then we were done. 

Zach and I have season passes to World's of Fun so we decided that we should spend the rest of the day's hours there. We rode our favorites and I got a pretzel with cheese and then later we split a strawberry and whipped cream covered funnel cake. This was a decision we would later regret. 

To conclude the day we rode the Mamba one last time and then got our own private ride on the Sea Dragon. When we got home I noticed that not everything was as it should be. My stomach had expanded to the point where it looked like I was four months pregnant... Oh no... 

Zach and I both had very restless nights complete with multiple bathroom breaks and culminating in me breaking my year long record of not vomiting. World's of Fun would be dealt with forthwith... but in the morning; sleep first.  

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

I adulted hard. The start of my day was pretty normal, got up, dressed, brewed coffee, ate breakfast and went to work. I was eagerly greeted by the dog and got to work. Being Monday the girls and I decided we wanted to have a pretty laid back day. A few months ago I taught the girls how to finger knit and now they become excited when they see string. So I let them have free range of a couple balls of yarn. My one very strict rule that I have them follow is that anything we take out while I’m here must be put away and cleaned up by the time their mom gets home, and they happily abide by that rule so I wasn’t too stressed out when string was strewn across the living room. While they were playing with string I read them some more of “Hoot” and somewhere in the middle of our day we had lunch. 

But this week is a little bit different from previous ones; the girls have clubs early in the afternoon, meaning I have a couple extra hours to myself this week. But I actually had a bit of a surprise waiting for me when I dropped the girls off. 

I ran into my preschool teachers! These women are absolutely wonderful and I was completely surprised that they recognized me, but then again I was a pretty memorable four year old. I broke down in the middle of the street and told one of them that I couldn’t go any further and they would have to carry me. We struck a compromise and she carried me to the end of the street and I walked the rest of the way to our destination. I also danced on a shaving cream covered table… we were not meant to climb up on (one of them told me she has a picture of me doing this somewhere). And to top the list I gave a pretty good rendition of giving birth on a bathroom floor, complete with grunting and groaning and finished with pulling a naked baby doll out from under my skirt and proudly proclaiming, “I gave birth!”. Tell me that is something you wouldn’t remember seeing. We reminisced for a while and then parted ways, excited to see each other tomorrow. 

I was in town. Did mom need anything? She sent me a grocery list and I was off, but first I stopped by Home Depot to get some plastic zipper close tubs… Sadly they didn’t carry what I was looking for so I went with the standard lid close tubs; I had a plan for these bad boys, but more on that later. 

I then gassed up, and then  went Aldi and picked up a few things, but I couldn’t find shredded parmesan, so I went to Target and then headed home. The contents of my shopping trip: 

While unpacking I noticed the kitchen could use some tidying up. 



Ahhhhh, that's better. 

Down to the basement I went. I then tackled this: 

And this:

This thing is my art supply table. I am incredibly embarrassed about this mess. I mean, who could find anything in this? I know I couldn’t. So I brought in my tubs from Home Depot and handled this mess. Zach also tagged in and helped me fold some of the fabric. I am very happy with the end results: 

Organized chaos for the win!  The bottom tub is full of quilt tops, second big tub is full of big skeins of fabric, and the middle sized has big scraps while the itty bitty is full of itty bitty pieces. The bag up front has my future renaissance costume in it. I will start on this bad boy pretty soon. I can’t contain my excitement. That being said, this is the most difficult thing I have ever attempted to make, so I’m slightly intimidated, but I don’t easily back down from a challenge. Bring it on!

And the coup de grรขce for my adulting was making dinner with Zach. The results were tasty:

I must take the time to thank everyone who has and is helping me become an adult. I know I have a ways to go, but I think you all set me up pretty well. From pealing me off the pavement and making sure I carried on even when I was tired, to continually saving my ass from major screw ups, and simply helping me keep my sanity in this new chapter of my life; you are all inspirations to me, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done and continue to do for me.
Saturday, June 4, 2016

With Saturday there comes the good and the bad. The good? I get to go to the Lawrence Farmer's Market and sell my baked goods and see people I like, and I get to have a pretty yummy breakfast burrito. The bad? I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. If I get less than 10 hours of sleep I will need a cup of coffee. 8 hours = 1 cup, 6 hours = 2 cups, -6 or less and I should really just drink the whole pot and take a nap, which is what I normally do. Obviously, my sleep cycle mimics that of a small child rather than an adult. Oh well.

This Saturday, Zach and I got up and packed up the car. The entire time I kept on getting this feeling that I was forgetting something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided it was probably just a lack of sleep and decided to head out. STUPID, SIDNEY! We got there and parked the van, but no sooner did I step out that I remembered what I had so idiotically forgotten. I forgot the money box! The market was going to start in less than 30 minutes and I was incapable of making change. I. WAS. SCREWED. Driving back to our house was not an option (we wouldn't make it back in time). So I thought, "Call Dad, Dad is up, Dad will help you, you will endure some teasing, but he will help you. Do not call your mom!" I called my dad, no answer, call again, no answer. Panic set in. I had to call my mom. This was not good. My mom is also not a morning person, and she has a rule; Only wake me up to kiss me goodbye, if the house is on fire, or if someone has died. Sadly my dilemma didn't fall into said categories, but I had ran out of options. "Mom... I'm an idiot." A moment of silence on the other end followed by, "What did you forget?" "The money box..."
"Are you serious? That's the one thing you shouldn't forget!"
"I know... please help me..."
"I'm on my way..." I could hear the huff on the other end,
"Thank you! I love you so much, I don't deserve you! You are wonderful!"
"I love you too, and no you don't, and yes I am."

My mother is my savior:

And I was up and ready for business
At the market I sell a variety of cookies: Oatmeal Whoopie Pies, Chocolate Chip / M&M, Peanut Butter Stuffed Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Walnut Oatmeal, and Breakfast Cookies. I also sell Blueberry Muffins, Double Chocolate Banana Muffins, Caramel Pretzel Brownies, and some knitted dishrags. 

Now I don't know why, but it seems like a law of the universe that if I go to the Market on a TCC Golf Tournament Day (which is held annually) I will never sell out of cookies. I've gone 4 years in a row and I've always had cookies left. Oh well, there are a lot of people there and they like cookies, but then again, who doesn't? 

This year, Zach, Callie (my baby sister) and I were a definite team, but Callie couldn't find her second so we asked her if she would mind if Zach's friend Scott came along. She said sure,  so off we went, with Scott and Zach in one cart and me and Rue (my nick name for Callie) in the other. 

Now the rule is that we play best ball, and bogie is your friend. Which is really nice because Callie and I really suck at golf, so on the score card you can only get 18 over par, which is still embarrassing, but not nearly as much as it could be if we were seriously playing. 

My parents were playing directly ahead of us and at each hole they would leave a little gift
Zach is notorious for losing balls, but this year he really didn't slice any too bad and we were always able to find them. 

Over the course of the game Callie and I realized that we were completely incapable of really helping better the game, so we stayed in our cart and acted as cheerleaders and "insurance", meaning we would only step in if the guys really fouled things up, and they never did. So this is what we watched for the rest of the day: 

And we did eventually see the hole that my dad sponsored:

Callie and I also saved a turtle and brought it to a little pond where it could live out its days. 

At the end of the day we wound up getting a score of 83 on a 76 par course (which was actually an improvement from previous years... we once actually got a prize for getting the worst score... please stop laughing). 

My mom and aunt left early from the awards (they had to get to Outlander), so Zach, Scott, Rue, my Dad, my uncle, and I went to dinner afterwards at a little Mexican restaurant in my home town and then called it a day... it had been a very long day.

Here's hoping we continue to suck less. Maybe one year we may actually get par! Yes, I would view that as an accomplishment. 

In closing, have an awesome week, wear sunscreen, and watch out for the crazies. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday is the one day I completely have to myself. I don’t have any form of work to do, so I can typically relax, but today wasn’t relaxation mode. Today I had plans. First was cherry picking. Once they become ripe we have to race the birds, and this year was one of the best yields we’ve ever had. I went outside covered in sun screen and bug spray, and was then asked to go back inside and grab some for everyone. Coming back out I saw this sight:

Callie used the sun screen first: 

Then Zach asked me to go back inside and grab him a granola bar. On the way out I ran into my momma: 

There are a lot of cherries at the top of the tree, so we needed ladders. 

One of our kitties likes to watch people work and inspect our progress. This is McFly, our other kitty is Marty.

Not a bad first day of picking: 

Zach and I knocked off early to go to Festa Italiana with Scott and Zach’s mom. Zach is a car guy, and I am a dog person… 

Irish Wolf Hounds! I also like little cute things: 

And any reference to Disney is awesome: 

And we shopped around, Kate and I got meatball sandwiches and water, and I found and purchased this little beauty: 

I from left to right: My memory ring, it has five bands that link together and represent five separate things that are very important to me: my family, my friends, my integrity, my beliefs, and the betterment of mankind and the world. The middle one is my class ring, and the last one is the one I got today because I’m a sucker for elephants. It hasn’t left my finger since I bought it. 

On I marched. It was hot, and I saw someone selling and marking it as Italian shaved ice because we were at an italian festival. I was sadly disappointed. It was chipped. Yes, there is a difference, and yes, I care about such things. Italian shaved is thin slices of ice that are about the thickness of tissue paper and fully soak up the flavoring poured over it. Chipped is the basic and standard snow cones that you see every where else. While being cold, it is not the best possible thing someone could order to cool down. A slushy is a better option. But, it was hot, and I was thirsty, and the kiwi flavoring wasn’t half bad. So I swallowed my pride and ate/drank the thing. 

 And Zach and I felt the need to take a selfie. Aren't we cute?

We then decided to go to Michael’s so that Kate could get a shadow box for Zach’s foul ball and while there I shopped a bit…

I should never be unsupervised in any craft store or Target. I will buy everything!!!! But hey, I come by it naturally, my mom is an artist and my dad’s mom is also an artist. So it follows that I am an artist/avid crafter. 

We then parted ways, but Scott and Zach had made plans to get Leo’s pizza later tonight so we had a few hours to waste. We went to Town Topic and I got a chocolate malt, yum! The boys then decided to drive around a bit, and I decided to take a nap in the back seat. When I woke up we went to McDonald’s to use their bathroom and because I feel badly about using a bathroom and not buying anything, I decided to get a pop (to not fall asleep again) and some fries; which proved to be a wise decision. We drove around a bit more and then went to Leo’s. Zach loves Leo’s, but I sadly am not a huge fan. They use provel cheese which has swiss cheese in it… I love cheese, but not swiss. 

But, seeing that I want to claim adulthood, I decided I would try a bite. Nope, I am a child. The rest of my piece went to Zach. After the boys finished their very large pizza I asked Scott what he’d like for dessert. He said, “Sidney cookies and ice cream”. That’s right; my cookies are good enough people ask for them by name. We went to target and the guys got Ben and Jerry’s chocolate explosion (complete with cookie dough bits), and I got Bunny Track’s Homemade Vanilla, you can call me basic, but this is one of my favorite ice creams ever. 

We went home and the boys decided they would mix up the dough and I would bake those little pieces of heaven (apparently I can do it the best). And we ate. It was good. Scott went home, and then I decided I would attempt to fill out paperwork…

A W-4 to be precise, along with other legal documents and crap. This was hard-core adulting. 

Yes, there are multiple levels. Beginner: being able to cook and not burn the house down, doing laundry and keeping the house clean.  Intermediate: Paying bills, occasionally taking care of children and not ruining an aspect of their childhood, and changing oil. Advanced: Picking a retirement plan, buying a house, raising children and filling out legal/government documents. 

I had gone from a beginner, dabbling in the intermediate shallows, to being tossed into the deep end without a life vest… sinking… sinking… help…. 

Mom to the rescue! We got about half way done and then realized it was 10 and I had work in the morning, we called it a night. 

Good night, evil government documents, good night.