Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

This morning I woke up about three hours before my nanny job starts. Why? More rocks needed picking up in another field and we wanted to beat the heat. Things were going great... and then the gator stopped working. We had to stop an hour before we had initially planned to, but this gave me some time to make myself presentable.

After I deemed myself ready I picked up the girls and took them to Vacation Bible School. The girls have asked me many times what I believe in; whether I'm Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or some other denomination. I've told them that I fall into the last category. They wanted clarification. I believe in a higher power, and I believe that everyone who is kind and peaceful gets to go where ever they want to go when they die, regardless of their religion or lack thereof. They accepted my answer and made me feel pretty awesome, and very accepted when they said, "It doesn't matter what you are because you're a good babysitter and that's what's really important." Have I said I love my job? I love my job.

After the girls were checked in I had a few hours to myself, I decided to run some errands. Zach went with me. We went to Michael's and I got some felt and pony beads for a craft we'd do the next day. Target for makeup and Starbucks (seriously, try the Cool lime refresher with lemonade instead of water; it's like drinking summer), then Aldi for a few supplies for pancakes.

I then picked up the girls from VBS and we went to their house, had lunch, made butter (#6), and made some origami.

When I got home, Dad called Zach and asked him to bring a "computer". I went along for the ride. After Dad had determined that the "computer" didn't have what he needed, I asked him if he wanted dinner... we didn't have anything really packable at home, so Zach and I drove to Sonic and got Dad a burger with tots. For our "trouble", Dad got us slushies. Not a bad way to end the day.

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